Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Research Video
The video shown the importing method, from sketchup and 3D Max into Crysis.
The advantages in using sketchup are:
It is quick tool in creating a 3D visual model. By using technical such like textured by plane, point to point drawing. Viewer can grab the model's meaning straight away. However, there are two major disadvantages in applying the texture through sketchup. Firstly, once it converted into Crysis, the scale of texture might not be able to re-adjust, this can affect the overall realism.
Secondly, by applying texture (especially using a significant various textures) the model might not be able to covert into cgf. The reason is because texture can only apply to plane. Once the texture applied to the model, the system might not be able recognize the model since it spilt into parts.
The advantages in using 3D Max is the use of texture. It allows apply different textures into one model, according to the faces. It is able to re-size the texture, boosting a realism of the model. Moreover, 3d Max can solve a problem in importing sketchup into Crysis. Since Crysis has difficulty in recognizing complicated sketchup models. There will be some faces that cannot be successfully coverted. 3D Max might be able to covert these faces by flip them back to normal.
However, this doesn't guarantee the model can be 100% import into Crysis.
The disadvantage of 3D Max might be time consuming, since it has a complicate working system, users need some times to get used to it.
In module 2, I tried to insert three different textures into the model, however, it doesn't come up in crysis. Since the blackfaces double faces exist, the real time system couldn't recognize the model. Therefore, only one texture can be found in my model. Fortunately, my original thought is to keep the model as simple as possible to bring up the lighting installation, therefore one texture is good enough in this case.
I found a website that has listed all the issues in exporting sketchup into Real time.
Such like texture, black faces (the holes in my model) etc...
They have raised the solution to overcome these problems.
Therefore, there is no certain way to covert sketchup model into real time. However, it is mentioned that all faces in sketchup have back-faces, which they never visible. Therefore, using creating a model like town hall station and import into Crysis is a big challenge, since it is a fairly detail model, and the probability to covert successfully is fairly low. This is the reason why soildwork is commended for module two.
Fortunately, I have successfully import my model into Crysis, by my experiences in module one.
website -
Monday, November 2, 2009
Final Presentation Video - Module Two
Music by Blackberry - Lackluster
This is a video that combined two individual peoples’ responses to the virtual station. It is testing installation affect the person movement. By comparing their responses to the prediction that is mentioned previously, the result can be seen clearly. These two people have no architectural background. It was their first time in experience Crysis gaming technology. This can ensure the accuracy and the reliability of the result. The female player called User1, the male player called User2.
To conclude, most of the installation work very close to the prediction, since lighting is the main source that the person has to follow in such a dark environment. In regarding to both users’ reactions, they both have a very similar reaction towards the installation. In fact, there are different in responding the red light, where located in the bottom level. User1 has an awareness of the red light, which has an exact response to the prediction. However, user2 ran into the track straight away.
This suggested player can have different responses to the light by entering another environment; this might depend on these factors: sexuality of the player, characteristic of the player, surrounding environment, and the style of Lighting. Overall, it can be seen clearly that the installation has a direct impact to the nevigation, this can be achieved by Crysis virtual environment.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Stuart Bull's Lecture & Research Question
This remind me the process in coverting sketchup into Crysis. Since both of my assignment - EXP 1 and 2 are based on the sketchup. I have experienced alot of errors in the coverting process, errors such like texture, lines, points, fliping planes... I have encountered great difficulties in coverting process.
These experiences helped me to generate the research paper.
It was mentioned in the brief that:
To be perceptive to and document the strengths, weaknessess, opportunities and differences in the two workflows engaged with in EXP1 and EXP 2
In regard to the research's brief, I am going to explore the subject of texturing.
The question will be:
Differences in importing sketchup and 3D Max model with texture patterns through Crysis
There will be lifts inside the building, HOWEVER, they are not going to function, since it is time consuming and there are several lifts through the station, I am not going to spend a lot of times in this issue. The purpose of inserting the lift is to make the station more realistic. The major element in this model is to focus on the lighting.
Smoke effect
I have inserted a cloud substance through the model in order to increase the challenge for the viewers. The intention is to increase the darkness inside the model, viewers can only rely on the lighting that I installed. This can give us a more accurate and a better conclusion.
Lightin installation 2
There will be different lighting patterns in each stair exit. This is because each of these exits are located far way from the gateway and platform. Therefore, these patterns allows the exit locations to stand out from the dark, guiding the viewer walk toward them. Since they all have bright and various colors, I predict the viewer will be guided once they have spot them.
There will be a bright spotlight on each of the stair that connect to the bottom floor (the platform) The intention of these spotlights are to guide the viewer to the the platform, by inserting the lighting, viewer can easily get to the bottom level. There will be a challenge for the viewer since these stairs located closly to the gateway, viewer have the options whether entering the gateway or the platform. This can examine how the viewer react to the lighting, particular the brightness issue.
This is where the platform level, there are red lights located on the train track. The intention of these red lights is to aware the viewers, not to come close these areas. Since the color of red symbolized the meaning of dangerous. I am hoping the viewers can stay away from the track. Furthermore, to emphasis the dangerous, there will be a level changes between the track and plartforms.
Lighting installation 1
Technically, the sketchup model still has a few errors/bugs, such like users can stuck in the wall by running too fast and hit the wall, or the wall have a funny color...etc. The most important problem is the light can pass through the wall/ceiling. This directly influences the whole station, I tried to solve the problem by setting the brightness and the distance of the light. However, the problem can be seen significantly. This will be discussin in the the research paper.
The intention of this model is to test how the viewer react to lights. By using different colors, brightness, lighting patterns and the light locations.
The following post is going to demonstrate these installation, with caption of prediction.
Friday, October 30, 2009
EXP2 - Model & Lighting
My installation of the model will be lighting.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Importing Town Hall station
However, the challenge arrived. Crysis can recognized the file, but it doesn't accept any single plane, which mean it only accept soild, and no lines or plane through the model.
This is exactly what I had experienced in my previous module.
Since the Crysis system couldn't recognize those planes, these areas turned into upside down, which formed a gap. I tried to walk on these areas, as a result, I fell directly into these gaps.
A model on the right, it is a successfull model that I can walk on.
(Wikipedia, 2009)
In my understanding, realism is a representation in literature of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are. Realism can be achieved through interaction, such like direct contacts, observation and etc. These must be something that has a sense of the original. According to the Russell, military schemes and stragies can be one of the accomplishments.
Realism helps us to understand more and experiment in a virtual environment, and enable us to have a realistic experience, in order to improves and observes under a similar situation.
Realism is widely used in everywhere. For example, flight simulation for training pilots, building model for young architects, solders trained in a virtual environment... Game is the biggest industry that involved realism. Giving players in experience a realistic environment and situation through the game.
Therefore, in this module, by importing a realistic environment - town hall station into Crysis, by setting up a specific installation, player can have a different experience, in order to test the term of realism, in a virtual environment and condition.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Document the Town Hall subway station
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Creating a realistic environment
Geometry -
Giving a basic scale of the envirnoment
Showing the high level of detailness within the photo
Important information could be found inside the photo, direct and first hand source
Floor Plan:
Giving the dimension of the station (less likely to be given due to the security reason)
Materiality -
Showing the full materiality inside the image.
Images could be use later in this assignment by editing in photoshop
Light -
Showing the lighting inside the station, such as the approx size and location.
The recording should be all done by camera.
The basic and simplest way to "measure" the station.
Internet resource can be used, if they are useful.
Hard to have the right dimension unless we are permit to measure the station.
Therefore, in this case, to have the most realistic envirnoment is to use the photos technology.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Physical Effects of Explosions on Porosity
In the video, I try to capture the moment of explosion, observing the detainees and the effects in the game environment.
By using the slower motion to present the video, viewers can see the explosion much clearer.
SketchUp model
Friday, August 28, 2009
Experimental environment
A style that doesn't limited by any angles, creating a higher level of clarity in capturing the "first hand" image, showing the hidden idea behind the image/event. This mode is especially efficient on capturing explosions.
Providing a wider and clearer views in observing the explosion, which is going to explore in the final outcome.
I have uploaded a series of videos that included my ramps, platforms and explosion.
A 2 storey model, interacting with another entities by providing a parking space for a boat and helicopter. Player can walk around through the model, functioning the same as a house entity from Crysis.
A simple ramp form object in Crysis, which is the first sketchup model created in week 2. Player can jump up and down on this object.
I try to create a "bigger" explosion by riding a helicopter, firing the Crysis model and the sketchup model. The result is the Crysis model turned into dust, which reacted corresponding to the explosion. In fact, the sketchup model has no damaged at all.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Explosion on Archetype Entities
The result is extremely interesting, as different explosions can caused different results depending on the factors such as: type of object, part of the explosion, type of the weapons and environment conditions.
The videos below shown a several responses of the explosion.
I tried to place explosion on my sketchup model, but nothing much happen. This will be the key area that will be investigate in the later of the module.
One more interesting point on importing sketchup model into Crysis.
There are two restriction for importing model:
1) No lines allowed
2) No single panel allowed
These restriction directly affected the process speed of my work, as I need to be more aware these issues while I was creating the model. Particularly I use line function to draw my model.
Another thing is I realised by placing more material (jpg) filter on the model, the system might not recognize the model, leading a failure in creating cgf format.
Fortunately, I am able to create a fairly simple model in Crysis.
Environment-in-progress 2
A closer look of the envirnoment.
Showing the little jungle that I created.
The video shown the surrounding of the island that I just created.