Saturday, October 31, 2009

Lightin installation 2

This is the gateway where the users enter the station, it has a particular lighting pattern that attract viewer to enter the area. This can examine the viewer in reacting to lighting brightness and light location. Since there are several gateways inside the station, viewers can be attracted to these location easily. I predict the viewers are going to reach these gateway areas frequently, mainly due to the installed lighting and settings of these areas.

There will be different lighting patterns in each stair exit. This is because each of these exits are located far way from the gateway and platform. Therefore, these patterns allows the exit locations to stand out from the dark, guiding the viewer walk toward them. Since they all have bright and various colors, I predict the viewer will be guided once they have spot them.

There will be a bright spotlight on each of the stair that connect to the bottom floor (the platform) The intention of these spotlights are to guide the viewer to the the platform, by inserting the lighting, viewer can easily get to the bottom level. There will be a challenge for the viewer since these stairs located closly to the gateway, viewer have the options whether entering the gateway or the platform. This can examine how the viewer react to the lighting, particular the brightness issue.

This is where the platform level, there are red lights located on the train track. The intention of these red lights is to aware the viewers, not to come close these areas. Since the color of red symbolized the meaning of dangerous. I am hoping the viewers can stay away from the track. Furthermore, to emphasis the dangerous, there will be a level changes between the track and plartforms.

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